

The Nayland College Te Reo Māori programme has the flexibility to cater for students at different levels of proficiency. This allows all students to progress at a manageable pace and have some success in the process. Each course is adapted as required to meet the needs of the current students.

Te Reo Māori covers the language, customs and traditions in Year 9 and during each successive year builds language development in Kōrero(speaking), Whakarongo (listening), Panui (Reading), Waihanga Tuhi (creative writing) and tuhituhi (writing) .

Students also have the opportunity to attend and/or participate in hui e.g. Powhiri, Ngā Manu Kōrero competitions and Kapa Haka. Kapa Haka is run on a weekly basis to prepare for powhiri and to tautoko the Principal for mihi and powhiri as needed.

Te Reo Māori at Nayland College also supports students to understand their personal place in the world. This may be especially important for those students who identify as Māori and for whom te reo Māori is a second language. For these students, the enhanced sense of connection to a rich cultural heritage can be deeply empowering.

To find out more contact Matt Penney ([email protected]


Speaking an international language is an important skill for communicating in today’s global economy.

New Zealand depends largely on tourism and exports and having another language, combined with some understanding of the cultural world that goes with that language can help open doors in life after school.

Learning another language has also been proven to improve overall memory and recall – which certainly helps in other subject areas.

Spanish is offered from Year 9 and students gradually develop confidence in speaking and understanding so that by Year 13 they can debate social issues or discuss their opinions of a movie. Along the way they learn about the food, traditions, festivals, lifestyle, music and culture of the countries that speak the language that they study.

As part of their learning journey they may have the opportunity to go on an exchange to Chile. We have established school-to-school relationships in a number of countries allowing students the chance to connect with real speakers of the language they have chosen to study.

To find out more contact Gaye Bloomfield ([email protected])

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