Social Sciences

The Nayland College Social Sciences program is built on the interests of our students and the wide range of experiences our nationally recognized teachers bring.

In junior social studies, we enable students to participate in society by thinking critically about different ways of living and contributing to their communities while on the path to becoming responsible young adults. 

In Year 9, students are introduced to Social Studies through the "Ko Wai Tatou" unit, which explores our identity as Nayland College students, citizens of Whakatū, people of Aotearoa, and our world. During the second term, students explore the concept of "Te Whai Rongomau - Pursuing Peace." We review the history of war, and how these wars have been remembered and commemorated in New Zealand. This starts with learning about the New Zealand Wars and comparing them with World War One and other conflicts New Zealanders have been involved in. 

The third term is exploring People in Power - reviewing different societies and types of government, drawing conclusions about effect government based on students' values. Finally, the end of year 9 is learning about the concept of Kaitiakitanga in relation to fast fashion and e-waste. This comes with an action component.  

Our year 10 students can select from four different modules. These are; Spaceship Earth (Geography), Ancient Answers (Classical Studies), Freedom Fighters (Sociology) and Edge of War (History). These modules are based off the senior subjects, to prepare students for success in NCEA Level 1. 

We offer a range of exciting subjects in the senior school including Tourism, Sociology / Criminology, Geography, Classical Studies and History. 

For more information, contact Anna King at [email protected].

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