NCEA Level 2 Courses


  • Students need to gain 80 credits.
  • Of these, 60 must be from Level 2 or higher. The remaining 20 credits may come from Level 1.
  • Students must also have met the Level 1 literacy and numeracy requirements.


  • Students are able to achieve Level 1, 2 or 3 NCEA with Merit or Excellence Certificate Endorsements.  
  • Merit Endorsement at a particular level requires 50 credits at “merit” or “excellence” at that level or higher.  
  • Excellence Endorsement at a particular level requires 50 credits at “excellence” at that level or higher.  
  • Students can accumulate merits and excellences over more than one year and their record will be checked annually to determine whether they are entitled to an endorsement of any NCEA certificate.

Courses in this Learning Area

2ACC - Level 2 Accounting View
2AGH - Level 2 Agricultural and Horticultural Science View
2ALG - Level 2 Mathematics with Algebra View
2BCT - Level 2 Building and Construction View
2BIO - Level 2 Biology View
2BUS - Level 2 Business Studies View
2CHE - Level 2 Chemistry View
2CLA - Level 2 Classical Studies View
2CSC - Level 2 Computer Science View
2DAN - Level 2 Dance View
2DES - Level 2 Design Art View
2DM - Level 2 Digital Media View
2DRA - Level 2 Drama View
2DVC - Level 2 Design & Visual Communication View
2ECO - Level 2 Economics View
2EMS - Level 2 Earth, Marine and Space Science View
2ENG - Level 2 English Literature View
2ENGAS - Level 2 English for Academic Studies View
2ENGC - Level 2 English Communication Literacy View
2ESL - Level 2 English as a Second Language View
2FOU - Level 2 Foundation Studies View
2GAT - Level 2 Gateway View
2GEO - Level 2 Geography View
2GMAT - Level 2 Mathematics General View
2HEA - Level 2 Health View
2HIS - Level 2 History View
2HOS - Level 2 Hospitality View
2LAW - Level 2 Legal Studies View
2MAO - Level 2 Te Reo Māori View
2MED - Level 2 Media Studies View
2MUS - Level 2 Music View
2NTO - Level 2 Ngā Toi View
2OED - Level 2 Outdoor Education View
2PAI - Level 2 Painting and/or Printmaking View
2PDV - Level 2 Product Development View
2PED - Level 2 Physical Education View
2PFS - Level 2 Personal Financial Skills View
2PHO - Level 2 Photography View
2PHY - Level 2 Physics View
2PSY - Level 2 Psychology View
2PW - Level 2 Pathway View
2SOC - Level 2 Sociology of Deviance View
2SPA - Level 2 Spanish View
2SPR - Level 2 Sport and Recreation View
2STA - Level 2 Statistics View
2TAY - Level 2 Trades Academy View
2TEX - Level 2 Technology Textiles View
2TOU - Level 2 Tourism View
2WEN - Level 2 Workshop Engineering View